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The Gorillaz Live Archives' main purpose is to archive as much content related to the 2001 and 2002 Gorillaz concerts as possible.


Since 2014 I've been hunting whatever I can find online related to the 2001 and 2002 Gorillaz shows, and while my hunt continued I came to find that more and more people we're unaware of these concerts ever happening. According to claims made online, that was the same attitude when the shows we're happening back in the early 2000's, with the only people aware of the shows we're the people who lived in the towns and cities that Gorillaz visited.


As a result I made The Gorillaz Live Tour, a mini-documentary put together by me which contained everything I knew about the tour and contained images from the tour which had not been seen 'till then.

While making that video was good and all, I knew that as time would go on that I would potentially find more and more content that I would want to share, so I made this website as a result.


I hope you enjoy what you find!

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